Kingdom Guilds are chartered organizations that promote a particular craft or skill. There are also many other groups dedicated to the promotion of arts and sciences. Some focus on a single aspect, while others are more broad reaching.
Kingodm Guilds and Groups
Arachne's Web
Lacemaker’s Guild
Brewers Guild
Cheesemakers Guild
Chirurgeons Guild
Company of Scriveners & Limners
Scribal Guild
Company of the Golden Distaff
Spinners Guild
Cookery Guild
Equestrian College
Falconry Guild
Gardening Group
Loyal Guild of St. Erasmus
Known World Nautical Guild
Metalworkers & Jewelers Guild
Moneyers Guild
Needleworkers Guild
Pied d'Argent
Medieval Dance
Royal Guild of Defense
Royal Navy
Meetings held at most crown Tournaments & Coronations
Sisters of the Yellow Veil
Courtesans Group
Textile Guild
Western Glassworks
West Kingdom Choir
West Kingdom Clothiers Guild
West Kingdom Leatherworkers
West Kingdom Potters
Wooden Spoon
Cooking Competition