Preparing for Events

As with any new hobby, no one expects you to have or know everything. You are getting started; everything will improve the longer you participate. If you need to borrow items, especially garb, from the Chatelaine, contact them in advance. They can assist you either beforehand or at the event.

Contact the Chatelaine

Finding an Event

West Kingdom events are listed on the kingdom’s website calendar, the West Kingdom newsletter, The Page, and across various social media platforms. This event information will include event location, cost, activities, accommodations, and site rules. They may also offer online registration for the event, a digital schedule, and directions to the event site. Some events will offer dietary alternatives to the feast meal or an ingredient list made available for those with restrictions.

What to Wear

Clothing or garb can be as simple as a large tunic style shirt, plain pants, and comfortable shoes. Other items to consider are a blanket to wear as a cloak to stay warm, and a large wide-brimmed hat or cowl. Gold Key clothing on loan is available through the Chatelaines.

Modern prosthetics and glasses are allowed. We would prefer you to enjoy yourself comfortably instead of trying to fit into a period aesthetic. If you have accessibility issues, direct them to the event steward or Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Officer.

What to Bring

Here are some ideas for other items you might want to bring to an event to make your day more enjoyable.

For Indoor Events

  • Feast gear (if eating on site). A cup, bowl, plate, utensils, and napkin will suffice
  • Pen and paper for any classes you may wish to take
  • Blankets or throws to cover modern items such as coolers and chairs
  • A small trash bag to carry off any trash or dirty dishes

For Outdoor Events

  • A chair or blanket to sit upon
  • Extra water (most events have water sources available, but it is recommended you at least provide your own cup)
  • Possibly a sunshade. If it is a modern looking pop-up pavilion you may be asked to hide it to maintain ambience.

For Camping Events

  • Modern tents are allowed at our camping events, but we sometimes ask those with modern tents to camp in specific areas. Always let the event or camp steward know what type of tent you are bringing.
  • Unless specified, we allow individuals to cook in their camps. Please follow all standard camping safety rules.

When Bringing Pets

While all sites allow service animals some sites will allow pets on site (if kept on-leash.) It is your responsibility to ensure the animal is current on all shots and vaccinations. If an incident occurs with the animal, you may be asked to leave the site.

When Bringing Children

Children must be accompanied by an authorized guardian. If you will be bringing a minor to the event who is not your own child, there are specific paperwork requirements. You should check with your local seneschal about what is required in your area.

SCA Etiquette

There are some cultural norms at SCA events that you should be aware of. Here are some tips for your first events.

Courtesy and chivalry are the SCA’s hallmark
The active practice of courtesy and chivalry is what sets the Society apart from any other organization. Each person in the Society is considered a gentleperson unless their actions prove otherwise. Courtesy involves simple politeness, common sense and the Golden Rule: treat others as you wish to be treated.
Courtesy is expected for everyone at all times.
Rudeness is discouraged, and anyone whose conduct is grossly offensive will be asked to leave. However, don’t worry if you don’t know all the mannerisms, titles, traditions, etc. – that comes with time and practice. Most participants can remember when they were first learning, and are quite willing to help newcomers pick up the manners and mores of the Current Middle Ages.
It is discourteous to talk during court or while the herald is speaking.
The herald is the King’s voice, and ignoring them is like ignoring the King. During court keep side conversations to a minimum. If you do need to carry on a conversation, kindly move away from court to avoid disrupting those around you.
An attempt at medieval dress is requested.
The Society is for participating, not watching. Medieval garb helps everyone get into the spirit of things! Clothing is often available for loan at the Pavilion of Gold Key, which flies a green banner with a vertical gold key.
Always ask permission before entering a pavilion or handling someone’s equipment.
A pavilion is a noble’s home away from their castle; please don’t enter or touch unless invited to.. Weapons, both real and tournament, are considered intensely personal, and should never be touched without the owner’s permission. However, the owner will often grant permission, and will usually talk your ear off to boot.

What to Expect at Your First Event

Not ll events are the same, but there are some things that you can expect when you attend an SCA event.

Registration (Gate)

Sign in at Gate when you arrive. Typically, at indoor events, the Gate will consist of a table with one or two volunteers, and at outdoor events, you will find that table under a blue tent with the Constable’s heraldry nearby.

Many events allow online pre-registration which is especially useful when registering for a feast. If you are not a paid member you will need to sign a waiver before being allowed to participate. You will usually receive a “Site Token”, which is a small bauble or trinket.

Hide modern objects

While at an event, it is encouraged to hide modern items as much as possible. Turn off or take cell phone conversations away from the main crowd, if possible.

Things to Do at Events

There are many activities you can view and participate in at an event.


Classes are often offered at events. These will cover many different topics. Some classes are limited seating; others may have a class fee to cover materials and handouts. Many of the classes are hands-on. Many events will have a schedule of classes taking place.


Many events offer a feast. This meal may be very large and fancy and may be served in a series of courses. Some are served at the table and some are buffet-style. Between courses, you may have other activities such as bardic performances, court business, dancing, etc. A series of toasts will usually occur with the feast.


When someone is to be elevated to one of the peerage orders they will sometimes host a vigil. This is a time for friends to come together and give wishes to the candidate. Refreshments may be offered at these activities. If you see a party advertised to the public, you are generally welcome.


Private meetings and circles occur at some events. These meetings are usually isolated from the main event and not advertised or advertized as only being for a limited group. Do not approach meetings in progress. If you need to speak to someone urgently, a message can be given to them.