The Exchequer reports to the Society Treasurer, and is in charge of all financial activites for accounts or the West Kingdom. This office compiles financial information reported by all local branches of the West Kingdom, to be used in the tax returns and other financial reports. The office of the Exchequer oversees the office of the Royal Teamster.
Rose de Le Mans
Kingdom Exchequer
Financial Officers
Kingdom Exchequer: Rose de LeMans
PayPal Deputy: Thorkatla Yngvarsdottir
PayPal Deputy 1: Clare Elena de Montfort
PayPal Deputy 2: Aldith Angharad St. George
NMR Deputy: Kelsy Aylesworth
Exchequer, West Kingdom College of Heralds: Moira of Kent
College of Heralds Exchequer: Domamir Vlatko syn
Additional Officers
Royal Teamster: Heinrich Von Swartzenberg
Reports: Vacant
Roster: Vacant
Review of Books: Wulfric of Creigull
Merchant Liaison: Argenteilin filia Elffin
Marches: Caitriona inghean ui Chonaodha
Guilds & Offices: Vacant
- Quarterly Reports: Are due within 30 days of the quarter end. All quarterly reports are to be sent to your barony, or principality exchequer. If you don’t fall under a barony or principality please forward them to the . Baronies and Principalities, please forward your quarterly reports to the West Kingdom Exchequer.
- Domesday Reports: Are due by January 31st. All Domesday Reports are to be sent to the Kingdom Exchequer.
- NMR Reports and checks: Are due within 10 days of the event. All NMR Reports and checks are to be sent to the NMR Deputy. Email west.waivers.nmr@gmail.com with any questions.
- Online Pre-Payment and Electronic Payment (PayPal/Epay)
Exchequer Forms and Documents
- Warrants Website (Branch Exchequer)
- Financial Reports
- Non-member Surcharge
- Bank Account Procedures
- Handbook & Financial Policies
⇒ Click Here for Warrants Website ⇐
Send the completed form and supporting documentation to the supervising exchequer. Groups in the Marches report to the Kingdom Exchequer; all other groups send their documents to the region Principality Exchequer.
The supporting documents are:
- A copy of proof of membership – a copy of the membership card, the mailing label from the Page or the letter from the membership secretary in the corporate office.
- A clear copy of a photo id such as a Driver’s License. (The picture must be clear enough to recognize the person.)
- A short statement of work experience involving cashiering, bookkeeping or similar work.
Once the supervising exchequer has received the documentation, s/he will contact the candidate for an interview. After the candidate has been approved, the Kingdom exchequer will issue the warrant.
Quarterly Financial Reports
Download Financial Report (small Excel)
Last Updated: AS L (Version 6) (2019)
Due dates are:
- Q1 report for the period January 1 through March 31 is due April 30.
- Q2 report for the period January 1 through June 30 is due July 31.
- Q3 report for the period January 1 through September 30 is due October 31.
- Q4 report for the period January 1 through December 31 is due January 31. This is your Domesday report.
The minimum report for the quarter is the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, the Cash reconciliation Worksheet, the supporting worksheets appropriate to the financial activity (The Income Worksheet, Transfers Out Worksheet, etc.) and a copy of the bank statement covering the end of the quarter. Send the completed Quarterlies to your supervising exchequer. Groups in the Marches report to the Kingdom Exchequer; other baronies, provinces and shires report to their Principality Exchequer; cantons and colleges report to their barony or province. Contact info is the Regnum section of the Page.
Annual Domesday Report
Download Financial Report (medium Excel)
Last Updated: AS L (Version 6) (2019)
Due Date: January 31
This report is for an entire year, January 1 to December 31. All pages of the report must be filed, even if the sheet is all zeros. All Domesday Reports are to be sent to the Kingdom Exchequer. Email reports in Excel are fine with a scan of the bank statement, but the first four pages of the report must be printed out and signed in ink by both the Exchequer and the Seneschal; and then mailed to the Kingdom Exchequer.
Negative Financial Reports
Download Negative Financial Report (Excel)
Last Updated: October AS XL
The negative financial report is to be used in lieu of a quarterly financial report for the Following Scenarios. For no activity during a quarter, the regular report must still be submitted.
1. if this is a new branch with no assets, liabilities, income. or expenses.
2. if the branch’s finances are held by another branch
3. if the branch’s finances are handled by a University or College within the U.S.
4. if the branch is dormant or suspended.
Non-Member Surcharge Submissions
Download the Non-Member Surcharge Submission Form
Last Updated: April AS XLII (2008)
The completed form and funds collected are due to the NMR deputy within ten days of the close of the event.
Non-Member Registration Details
The NMR shall not be collected if there is no fee or required donation to attend the event. The NMR shall not be collected for minors for whom there is discounted event fee.
Default procedure for NMS implementation:
(a) Each Kingdom will collect the NMR and forward monies in U.S. funds to the Corporate Office on a monthly basis.
(b) The Kingdom Seneschal and Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer will be responsible for ensuring compliance.
Implementation alternatives may be presented to, and approved by, the Soc Seneschal and Treasurer of the SCA, Inc. Final approval of alternatives will be reviewed by the Board.
Bank Procedures
If you are needing to make changes to your bank account, whether it is establishing a new account, or changing signatories, you will need to follow the procedures outlined by the Society Exchequer:
1. Download a Bank Account Request form (excel file). Link: https://www.sca.org/bankaccountrequest/
• All Kingdom and local groups must list the kingdom or a regional exchequer as a signatory on bank accounts.
• All fields must be completed.
• All signers must be current members and have no less than 60 days left on their memberships.
• If using a fax number, make sure the fax number is valid and working.
• You must use your legal name.
2. Send all requests for bank accounts to the Kingdom Exchequer.
3. Kingdom Exchequers will verify all information and forward your request to the Society Exchequer for processing.
4. The Society Exchequer will verify the completeness and accuracy of your information and forward it to the SCA Corporate Office.
If you do not have e-mail access, please call the Society Exchequer for instructions. Failure to follow these instructions can delay the processing of your bank account request.
Download Kingdom Exchequer’s Handbook
Last Updated: January AS LIV (2020)
Download the SCA Financial Policy
Last Updated: October AS LV (2022)
Download the West Kingdom Financial Policy
Last Updated October AS LIX (2024)