Chancellor Minor

Overseer of Youth Activities
Youth PointContact the Chancellor Minor


The office of the Chancellor Minor is responsible for coordinating and organizing Youth Point at Kingdom level events. Youth Point at Principality level events is run by Principality Youth Ministers, and branches in the Marches may request assistsnce from the nearest Principality or request that they have a local warranted Youth Minister. Contact the Kingdom Seneschal for more information.

The children of this Kingdom are the future of the SCA. They are our future Kings and Queens, our future Laurels, Pelicans, Members of the Orders of Chivalry and Order of Defense. The new page school program has been designed to help them find their place in our great Society. By teaching them our passions and why we are involved, we can help them find their place and it is our hope that they will become just as excited to attend events as their parents.


Youth Point

Youth Point runs on the 2-deep rule, which states that all youth activities must be run by two non-related adults, one of whom has an approved background check. The safety of your children is important to us. As such we are always looking for more volunteers.

Vacant Office

Vacant Office

Chancellor Minor


Kingdom Chancellor Minor: Vacant

Contact the Chancellor Minor

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