Earl Marshal

Overseer of Armored Combat Activities
Armored Combat PageContact the Earl Marshal


The Earl Marshall is responsible for ensuring the safety of combatants, participants and spectators in all marshal activities within the Kingdom.

Christopher of York

Christopher of York

Kingdom Earl Marshal


Kingdom Earl Marshal: Duke Christopher of York

Kingdom Marshal Authorizations Minister: Luxia Sabina

Kingdom Marshal Authorizations Deputy Minister: Richard of Greyefalle

Kingdom Heavy Combat Marshal: Brion of Bellatrix

Kingdom Combat Missile Marshal: Eireannach nic Ghiolla Chainnigh

Kingdom Siege Combat Marshal: Carrek MacBrian

Kingdom Youth Armored Combat Marshal: Friedrich Sybold

Kingdom Rapier Combat Marshal: Alfonso Diego Castillo De Guzman

Kingdom Target Marshal: James the Unhinged

Kingdom Equestrian Marshal: Helga Skjaldmaer

Contact the Earl Marshal

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